Sunday, August 10, 2014


What does greatness look like?
Is it the passive joy of watching the sun set over the city, or observing the rings of Saturn through a telescope?
Is it the published work that carried you onto a book tour, or won you that award a decade ago?
Is it the group you host, or have organized, that made community possible for its members?
Is it the lover you cuddle next to after a day at the office, and the heart for goodness that beats within his chest?
Is it family and friends, and how they fill your life with love and encouragement no matter how far from home you may have travelled?

Is it here, in the present?
Can you reach it?
Does it surround you?
Is it, now, all around you?
Or, is it still out there somewhere, ahead of you on your uncertain road?

What can I do, if anything, to help you achieve your greatness while I am walking this very road, trying to achieve my own?

1 comment:

  1. Beauty, wonder, success, execution, comfort, support. Love. They are all great things. All factions of greatness. I wonder if the generic term "greatness" can encompass as many things for everyone, or if anyone stops to think that they might need more than one faction to achieve said greatness.
    I realize I generalized all those little pieces of greatness you listed in order to make my point, but I still wonder how many of us all take the time to ponder this.
