Tuesday, December 2, 2014

You'll Be Glad You Did

Folded up into squares
with crisp corners
and a coffee stain,
you'll find the map
with little red lines
drawn every which way.

Under that folded map
is a journal I carried
in which I carefully recorded
all the crazy shit we did
and who we met
and how we conned
and which way we ran
when we'd get caught.

Stuffed 'tween the pages
are photographs
of people who seem
to have it all together.
But, those are just stills
from tumultuous times
of chaotic jesters.

You'll find all this
and maybe a little more
in that grey solander
on the tall bookshelf
there by the door.

When you're done,
give a little of yourself
close it all up inside
lock the door behind you
and hit the open road
for your own wild ride.

You'll be glad you did.