Sunday, September 7, 2014

Practicality and Defining Reality

In his post, Define "Real" - A is A, Jaxpagan discusses the kinds of philosophical questions the Matrix film encouraged us to ponder. Is anything we perceive real?

I found the post interesting and entertaining.

Being a reasonable person, the author concludes that the issue is one of practicality and consistency. At one point, he writes, " 'A' seems to be 'A', as near as we can determine, so fuck it, let’s call it 'A. Done and done, let’s go get some shawarma."

In response to his conclusion, I considered the deeper meaning I find in this philosophical musing.

The issue of perception is important to me, though, not because I am concerned whether "real" objects are actually real, but because there are many things in my mind that turn out not to be real. I believe a person feels a particular way, and react to that belief, only to find that I was way off. I believe a decision is a good one, only to discover too late that it was not good at all. I believe I am perceived a particular way, only to encounter indications to the contrary.

The philosophy of perception is more than nerdy sci-fi. Perception shapes what we do, and if we are paying any attention at all, we know how wrong our perceptions can be. In such scenarios, I don't think I should go on simply accepting my own perceptions at face value. "A" seems like "A", but if it turns out to be "B", my next decision isn't going to succeed.

I find practicality in regularly questioning my own perceptions.

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