Tuesday, September 9, 2014

"F*ck Yes!" Passion*

In everything, strive to be so passionate in your choices that you can confidently say either "Fuck yes!" or "Fuck no!" about any one of them.

To help encourage you to live with "Fuck yes!"** passion, consider starting a "Fuck yes!" log or journal. Everyday, describe one choice you made for which you are this passionate, or one thing you are working to develop passion about.

There are inevitably some choices or commitments in your life about which you may not currently be "Fuck yes!" passionate. This challenge is not meant to push you to abandon those. Rather, explore your feelings about those. Write about a choice toward which you feel lukewarm, and break it down a little.
Are there elements that you are passionate about? Are there some negative passions, and other positive passions, all mixed together in a hard-to-deal-with passion soup?
Can your perspective or passions change?  Is there a way to billow your passion for the lukewarm?
How can you reduce or eliminate the "Fuck no!" elements?
How can you create greater saturation of the "Fuck yes!" in your situation?

While breaking down the elements, try to appreciate that you are currently experiencing these elements with particular associations or from particular sources. The elements, though, might be available to you from other sources, or with other associations. I encourage you to creatively consider how you can get your "Fuck yes!" passions while feeling free to break some of the associations you may need to break in order to minimize or eliminate those "Fuck no!" elements. Your current situation is not your last resort!

That's all I've initially got on this, but if you have any questions or additional ideas that can build on this, please comment below.

*this idea comes from my friend, who is full of great ideas. Check out the rest of her blog while your there. She got it from here. Pass it on.

**I use the positive "Fuck yes!" but these ideas apply equally to "Fuck no!"

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