Monday, July 21, 2014


At what point can we ever learn if we are independently secure if we are always in a relationship? How can we know who we would be in a breakup if it has been a decade or more since we've had one? What is there to tell us we couldn't do better, and maybe much better, if all we've known for so long is what we have?

When I consider my parents, I see radically different people. In one, I see a person who is so bent on being right that fault is found in every possibility. This parent is, has been, and will likely always be without a partner. In the other, I see a willingness to give love a try, accept imperfection and even risk temporary satisfaction over permanent disatisfaction. This parent consistently has a partner.

And as I consider my own relationships, I realize I would much rather be like the latter, thankful nonetheless that the former had some helpful things to say.

I'm willing to risk. I'm willing to fail. I think love, and all the feelings wrapped up in that, are worth it.

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