Monday, October 27, 2014

If We All Pay a Little

I've been told I'm special. Fine. That's subjective. My hands still bleed when you cut them, and my heart still aches when you stomp on it.

I'm not different. I don't transcend a god-damned thing. I'm just a flesh and blood human being.

If there is one thing I've learned, it is that knowing I'm not special is a pretty special thing. I empathize with the loss of others. I understand when another has to reject me, or at least choose something or someone other than me. Why? Because I've faced similar choices with others.

Not being special shows me that I am just as capable of hurting another person as I am of being hurt by other people. When I don't always get my way, that humbly reminds me that others aren't getting their way in some fashion or another, too.

I'm not special. I don't get everything I want to have when I want to have it while others sacrifice and have to make choices, to give up or go without something they may really want.

The simple fact of the matter is that there is no way we can have all that we want. We have to take a hit now and again, and it would behoove me to remember what I want more than anything else, because a lot of that 'anything else' is going to have to be set down and moved on from. That's just the way the world turns.

Maybe it won't be a total severance. There will hopefully still be connections, and hopefully I can get what I can get. But, priorities are still necessary. Choices, sacrifices, and compromises will have to be made. My specialness, or lack thereof, will need to be consulted for a taste of empathy.

Is there a way we can all pay just a little, so that no one of us has to pay for the entire group?

I sure hope so.

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